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Is Half The Update Just Visual Novels???
Comments (5)
Posted by Deathbringer - September 14, 2024 - 2:14 PM
Let's see, BillyBnMOfficial ripped stuff from various consoles, handhelds and browsers while Samevi did Rhythm Thief. Max Ward ripped Dino Rex while toniophx ripped some Fairly OddParents browser game. FridayFunkGaming291 went through some of The Impossible Quiz 2 while redblueyellow did some Nintendo DS games. Alxala did their usual work and Modata did some Yu-Gi-Oh! games. MufasaKong ripped the Legacy of Goku as TVS_Official 64 ripped Magical Tower for the Mega Duck.....whatever that is.

bdeggers ripped Dynamons World and ATOM RPG while SkylaDoragono did Brave Exvius. sar777 made a return to Grand Summoners while myaphelion wrote in their Lily Diary about their Pastel Friends. Redtarp ripped more from Tapped Out while Keenfan1990 ripped BodyConQuest. Otomecake did a bunch of Nintendo Switch games which look like visual novels while blueberrymuffin ripped another Delicious game. Jeremy Hauk is responsible for Killer Queen while dweet took care of Super Neptunia RPG.

shishimai ripped from UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH II Sys:Celes while Oblivious_Shake ripped Your Turn To Die. Kimono decided to rip from Last Battle as true ripped more from Rockman & Forte. Barack Obama continued on with Tengai Makyou Zero while we gotten more customs from Freakyplanet, hansungkee, Jesse_JAT, SamButSam, Potatoboot the Luggage, GreyisBlack_The_Number_Lore_23, MollyChan, saidFayad5, Zetawilk, azumadeline and yunslove.
Sheets in this update: 1,707 (Show Sheets)(1 NSFW sheet hidden.)

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Sep 15, 2024, 9:26 AM
See that I didn't get mentioned, but I just finish ripped all the Bird & Beans (Pyoro DSi) and Paper Airplane Chase (Paper Plane DSi) Sprites from WarioWare Inc., Mega Microgame$ and the DSiWare Port.

And just to let everyone know that it took me a really long time to get them all.
Sep 15, 2024, 2:34 AM
Didn't get a shoutout for a long time, nice to finally get one
Sep 14, 2024, 5:12 PM
Numero Tres! Donkey for the shoutout, Mr. Deathbringer.
Sep 14, 2024, 2:40 PM
@16-Bit Globe Thank you for pointing this out! The humorous comment was appreciated and this has been fixed :)
Sep 14, 2024, 2:36 PM
true[true/] is such a good ripper, along with [sub]Barack Obama
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