Submitter Stats: YILESGAMER576 | |
Sheets Submitted | 9 |
Games Submitted To | 2 |
Largest Genre (by Games) | Action (1 game) |
Largest Genre (by Sheets) | Action (7 sheets) |
View By | Console | Genre |
Biggest Contributions |
Godzilla: Monster of Monsters!
(7 sheets)
Godzilla Customs
(2 sheets) |
Most Popular Sheets | |||
1 | Godzilla: Monster of Monsters! | Void / Subspace Level | 755 hits |
2 | Godzilla: Monster of Monsters! | Gohten | 656 hits |
3 | Godzilla Customs | Rodan (G:MoM-Style) | 578 hits |
4 | Godzilla: Monster of Monsters! | Jupiter: Jungle Stage | 566 hits |
5 | Godzilla: Monster of Monsters! | Mars: Volcano Stage | 553 hits |
6 | Godzilla Customs | Moguera (NES G:MOM) | 545 hits |
7 | Godzilla: Monster of Monsters! | Mecha City | 445 hits |
8 | Godzilla: Monster of Monsters! | Head Quarters | 430 hits |
9 | Godzilla: Monster of Monsters! | Options Menu | 78 hits |
Action Sheets
Head Quarters
Jupiter: Jungle Stage
Mars: Volcano Stage
Mecha City
Options Menu
Void / Subspace Level
Customs Sheets