Submitter Stats: FuukaFan All Comments on Sheets RSS Feed
Sheets Submitted 11
Games Submitted To 1
Largest Genre (by Games) Turn-Based RPG (1 game)
Largest Genre (by Sheets) Turn-Based RPG (11 sheets)
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1 Persona 3 Portable (Remaster) Aigis 222 hits
2 Persona 3 Portable (Remaster) Fuuka Yamagishi 166 hits
3 Persona 3 Portable (Remaster) Mitsuru Kirijo 165 hits
4 Persona 3 Portable (Remaster) Akihiko Sanada 135 hits
5 Persona 3 Portable (Remaster) Saori Hasegawa 124 hits
6 Persona 3 Portable (Remaster) Natsuki Moriyama 117 hits
7 Persona 3 Portable (Remaster) Chihiro Fushimi 114 hits
8 Persona 3 Portable (Remaster) Yuko Nishiwaki 113 hits
9 Persona 3 Portable (Remaster) Jin Shirato 101 hits
10 Persona 3 Portable (Remaster) Keisuke Hiraga 98 hits
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